Pali Lanes Re-Imagined

Kailua now has the opportunity to contemplate a new more proactive plan for the traditionally attractive Pali Lanes property. This step is part restoration, but also part inspiration, both honoring the reasons we’ve loved Kailua over the years.

The Hamakua Group is working to flesh out such a proposal. We are not credentialed city planners but that kind of precise detail is not needed, yet. What follows are strokes of a powerful idea, even a template for future Kailua.

There exists an opportunity for our community, its businesses and Alexander & Baldwin to develop a plan of the times, fully embracing the State’s goal of all Renewable Energy by 2045. Who is going to lead that way? The Green New Deal goals of 2030? … A&B holds many of the cards. Do they have the juice to make Kailua a leader in this transition to environmental accountability?  Local leadership?  The State of Hawaii?

Following are INITIAL objectives and renderings, but the substance / reach of this course correction is far more exciting than only the pictures. The redesign of the current Pali Lanes buildings and grounds can be a public display of Kailua “leading by example” in its intention to transition to energy and environmental responsibility. This improved property can be the transition’s implementation and, as important, its promotion.

How? —  Creation of such a “Kailua Town Center” on the current Lanes’ property can simultaneously provide:

Environmental Accountability: Complete photovoltaic rooftop coverage for a positive energy contribution to a new organized “local” energy grid. (Add the square footage above the adjacent parking structure to maximize the advantage to Kailua merchants and residents.) A LEED qualifying Pali Lanes building including ground-loop heat-pump assisted air conditioning, modern LED lighting throughout and multiple other needed energy accountable infrastructure upgrades. Innovative absorption, recapture and cleansing of parking lot and structure’s massive stormwater runoff prior to its flow into Kailua’s Wetlands. Conversion of asphalt parking lot to tree and ground covered parkland. A collaborative car-pooling hub leveraging bicycles, Tesla and Lyft capabilities. And a comprehensive Re-cycling Center.

For day-to-day Kailua:

Modernization and refinishing: to code of the current buildings’ infrastructure. Maintenance of the iconic Pali Lanes tower and dome.

Continuity of Earned Local Heritage: preserves the Pali Lanes Bowling Facility and the Hale Kealoha multi-school Catering Service, both proven community assets.

Expanded Community Activity Center: provides for expressed continuing family needs. (“idle hands are the devil’s workshop”)

Added Second Floor Space: for governmental, civic and local consumer services such as a Satellite City Hall, Jobs Training Center, a windward IncuVation Center; convenient office/meeting space(s) for community service groups such as Neighborhood Boards, Hui Kawainui-Kailua Ka Wai Ola, Kailua Urban Design Task Force, ‘Ahahui Mālama i ka Lōhaki, Lani-Kailua Outdoor Circle, Kailua Hawaiian Civic Club, garden clubs, kids groups, etc.

Canopied Outdoor Performance Stage: soft LED lighted with ample casual seating to accommodate kanikapila / hula sessions, private / public gatherings, one act plays, Cinema on the Green, etc.

Kailua Town’s Central Green Community Space: for the “I Love Kailua” Town Party, the Farmers’ Market(s), the BlocktoberFest and mutual public / private unstructured enjoyment.

Rev 1.16.20

Thanks to Rep. Cynthia Thielen, via Mary Zanakis’ “Kailua Calabash”

other Pali Lanes Videos

— The following renderings are NOT final. —

— Click any image to access its slide show and captions. —

—  The Pali Lanes Virtual Fly-Thru  —

Prior to doing the Fly-Thru consider opening The Renovation Floor Plan to use as a reference as you fly through the building’s first floor, new second floor and grounds.

The virtual Fly-Thru of the proposed Pali Lanes Building and Grounds:

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12 thoughts on “Pali Lanes Re-Imagined”

  1. I hope they do keep the bowling alley so we can continue to bowl here with our families, friends & continue our memories.
    The plans look beautiful but when you do the fly by, I didn’t see any bowling lanes, so I hope they do included it in the plans, maybe I missed seeing it, I hope that was the case, we have been fighting hard to keep it & I hope it pays off!!!!!

    1. Ms. Rutledge, Thanks for your concern. I assure you the bowling function will absolutely be maintained under our proposal. In fact, Mr. Machado has already received bids from Brunswick Bowling for updates to the bowling specific equipment to make the installation the most modern on the island. Further, the iconic exterior dome and tower will be maintained in their current form. Also, the monkey pod trees will remain untouched.

  2. What if the lanes had the ability to lay flooring down over the bowling lanes so the space could be sublet for other purposes during times when bowling is low in demand?

    1. Mr. Moniuszko, thanks for your comment. Like other bowling centers, Pali Lanes runs lane surfacing equipment up and down their lanes at least daily. Pali Lanes is also a league bowling center meaning its lanes have to comply with state and national bowling specifications; surface condition, level between the two gutters, slope, etc. These specifications are periodically measured and certified by the league associations. The gutters are removable to access the adjusting mechanisms under the lanes to maintain compliance. Further, all 24 lanes are in use on and off most every day of the week at Pali Lanes. On busy days all 24 are used simultaneously. Hope this adds to your perspective.

  3. Pali lanes is not only apart of Kailua’s history or an iconic landmark to those who call Kailua home. It is a place where family and friends can enjoy each other’s company, have fun, learn a new sport or perfect their skills. It’s a positive atmosphere for our keiki (we all know we need to treasure and continue to promote positive activities/gatherings for our children and their friends). Pali lanes is a place that holds memories and allows all of us to continue making memories! Pali lanes is a very special place to our community! And I am glad we were able to Save It! and I am looking forward to seeing the reimagined images become a reality!!!!

    1. Pali Lanes’ current annual lease expires at the end of January 2020.

      Alexander & Baldwin recently offered Pali Lanes what news media have variously described as a “continuing lease” or “extension.” You may even have received an email with this misleading information. In reality what A&B offered was only a month-to-month lease to replace the current annual lease when it expires. Quite a downgrade, from a business perspective.

      Even so, Pali Lanes remains committed to its stated future Plans for the property. We recognize the win/win character of this Plan allows A&B several methods to improve its own bottomline, not the least of which by increasing its lease incomes due to additional leasable office spaces.

      As A&B begins to appreciate how this Plan thus serves its own needs, aligns them with Kailua’s stated desire to maintain the Lanes, and allows them to honor the act and spirit of the State’s Historic Places Designation, the Lanes anticipates A&B will in time grant the required long term lease, allowing them to lock-in these business advantages.

      Meanwhile the Lanes continues to fine-tune its building Plans, to write it’s business plan, and to recruit the local expertise needed to move ahead.

      Pali Lanes also wants to express its deep gratitude to the windward community for its continuing support.

      Pali Lanes Owners: Art Machado, Dan Sylva

  4. How wonderful if this icon location and sport, can be preserved for years to come. I started bowling when I was 20 years old. Played on leagues for years. It was a way to meet and make friends and also improve skills as years rolled on. Bowling alleys started closing one by one. So sad to see this happen. I am now 75 years old. Please keep PALI LANES open and operational. Thank you owners for persevering and thank you A&B for keeping this sport alive!

  5. Pali Lanes Reimagined is an exciting opportunity to also make sure the town center serves all all by including ADA upgrades

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